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‘ To be continued is a creative studio, specialized in making conversation pieces’

    -Everything is a never-ending story- 



With a background in fashion and a love for crafts, To be Continued creates pieces that play with the meaning and contradictions of the materials and objects being used. At its core of our journey there is the aim to redefine our storytelling around value or waste. There is always a story to continue or find a new way or audience to tell it.. 


Our practice consists of autonomous and collaborative research-based multidisciplinary projects on the one hand and commissioned custom jewellery and art pieces on the other.

Crafted in silks & cloths, silver and cans, wood and kohl with precious gems, all wrapped up in cellophane. Poured into high-tec rendered molds and crafted with traditional Japanese & Western couture techniques we create conversation pieces. 


Currently we are experimenting with what jewellery in it’s function as a protective talisman could mean in the modern society where technology and hyperrationality seems to decide what our identity means and is worth what to whom.


A journey that, as life, is to be continued.


Please contact us at for any inquiries.

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